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How to Become an Inmate Advocate

Submit the form on this page today to be recognized as an advocate. 

Advocating means pledging to post inmate stories and videos on Facebook and other social media and to encourage others to do the same.


Locate your inmate on this site. Leave a comment that declares you are an advocate for that inmate and explain why you chose to become involved. Invite others to post on Facebook and other similar sites to share your mission.


Join our communities on Facebook, Google+, ... and ask your friends to do the same.

Thank You! We will be in touch.

What Can Be Accomplished by Advocating

It is very important for these victims of cruel sentencing to get their stories spread as widely as possible, especially in their home states. You can help by becoming an inmate advocate. 2016 is the final year of the current president's term of office and this is traditionally the time that most federal commutations are granted.


Advocating shows the world that people are supporting these inmates and working to rectify their horrible plights.


Advocates are social media points of contact for receiving and sharing progress reports and other information about their inmates. Goals and specific tasks are regularly recommended to get the attention these inmate victims need.


Inmate stories can spread far beyond imagination in social media because most who read them are totally unaware of such inhumanities in our supposedly civilized society and feel a need to let friends know also.


Most readers are shocked, but the main objective is action. When people decide to take action, positive results begin to happen. As an advocate, it is your personal mission to reach out as widely as possible to increase the possibility of finding actionable solutions, wherever they may exist.


Not only does the public need to know, but people need to be reminded over and over again until there can be a resolution for these inmate victims and their families.

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