Quinnipiac University poll: Trump/Clinton in Statistical Dead Heat. See Breakdown
Forty-two percent of voters favor Clinton, while 40 percent prefer Trump.
Clinton leads with women 50 percent to 33 percent, but Trump with men 47 percent to 34 percent. Trump is also leading with white voters, while Clinton leads with African Americans and Hispanics.
Independent voters are slightly favoring Trump, with 36 percent liking the billionaire and 34 percent preferring Clinton.
According to the poll results, voters think Clinton is better prepared than Trump is to be president by 58 percent to 33 percent. Fifty-three percent of voters to 33 percent says she is more intelligent while 46 percent to 43 percent say Clinton holds higher moral standards.
However, 45 percent to 37 percent of voters say Trump is more trustworthy and honest. Forty-nine percent, compared with Clinton’s 43 percent, believe Trump would be a stronger leader.
Voters believes Clinton would be better for immigration and foreign affairs, but that Trump is better at creating jobs and handling ISIS.
The poll results found:
52 – 40 percent that Trump would be better creating jobs;
50 – 45 percent that Clinton would be better handling immigration;
52 – 39 percent that Trump would be more effective handling ISIS;
51 – 42 percent that Clinton would better respond to an international crisis;
46 -- 44 percent trust Clinton more on sending U.S. troops overseas, while
54 – 35 percent trust Clinton more to make the right decisions regarding nuclear weapons;
46 – 43 percent that Clinton would do a better job getting things done in Washington.