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Trump Unable to Pay Salaries of His Own Transition Team

One would think that a real billionaire would be able to fund these salaries out of petty cash or float a few bank loans for it:

Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) told a Buffalo area radio station: “Mr. Trump held a fundraiser down in New York City a few weeks back and did raise some money, but they have – I would use the word – ‘struggled’ to raise the private funds needed to pay these individuals who are working on behalf of the taxpayers but not being paid by the government.”

The ferret-wearer’s options are limited:

- no U.S. bank will touch Donald J. Trump ever again

- Deutsche Bank is teetering as it is

- he already owes the Chinese several hundred million last I saw

- Putin doesn’t dare front him the sum, through Alfa Bank or any other entity

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Harsh Justice inmates are nonviolent victims of our inhumane, racially-biased, various versions of so-called justice.


Many have already served decades and will ultimately die in prison for nonviolent petty crimes resulting from poverty and addiction.

Some inmates are innocent but were afraid to go to trial where the deck is often stacked against them and the sentences are tripled on the average.

Most inmates first heard of 3 strikes at their sentencing hearing.

Most have a good chance now for freedom if they could receive capable legal representation for the first time ever.

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Harsh Justice is pleased to announce that 12 of our inmates have gained their freedom since 2016, 11 were serving life without parole sentences.

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