NYC agrees to pay out $40M to wrongly convicted Central Park Five rapists
Attorney Peter Cross (left) visits client Eric Glisson at New York's Sing Sing prison in August 2012. Glisson wrote a letter to an...
A lawsuit against the Church of Scientology claims the church falsely imprisoned a woman and forced her to have an abortion at age 17....
Smart guns: how Obama hopes to create a market for personalized weapons
Facing suspicious potential buyers, the US is acting as a ‘midwife’, encouraging law enforcement agencies to use the guns that can only...
Drug overdose epidemic has driven increase in organ donors
The devastating epidemic of drug overdose deaths in the US has led to an increase in organ donors, data from the federal government...
A Prison Whistle-Blower Behind Bars
On January 24, 2013, the Florida Department of Corrections received a grievance letter from an inmate named Harold Hempstead, who had...
Accused drug courier chooses trial over 15 years. Sentenced to life without parole
Harvey was accused of being a courier to carry drugs from Los Angeles to Kansas City; he was paid $300 per trip. The federal government...
Life without parole for marijuana. Says hell could be no worse
Prior to his incarceration for conspiracy to import and distribute marijuana, Cundiff worked in construction, as a mortgage broker, and...
Prosecutor offers 4 years to rat on family, Douglas chooses life instead for first offense
Laid off from his job, Douglas began dealing drugs to make ends meet. He was accused with 23 others, including his father and uncles, of...
Life for football star who sold cocaine to pay cancer costs for mother
Chester began selling cocaine because he was unsure of how to provide for his mother. When he was 23, he was convicted under Florida law...
Allen gets life without parole for showing an informant where someone lived
At age 19, Allen was arrested with two co-conspirators following a controlled drug buy that took place in a truck. According to Allen, he...