District Attorney Should Be Punished for Trying to Sabotage Police Shooting Investigation
EndFragment Police initially claimed Edson Thenevin died in a car crash The best example of why local prosecutors cannot be trusted to...
States Push for Tougher Standards for Juvenile Public Defenders
EndFragment Lawyers and legal analysts increasingly say that juveniles should be represented by criminal defense lawyers who are...
Guccifer Allegations Could be Significant for Clinton FBI Probe, Say Former U.S. Prosecutors
EndFragment Romanian hacker claimed he broke into Clinton's private server in 2013. Romanian hacker Guccifer’s claims that he hacked into...
Obama Commutes Sentences for 58 Federal Prisoners
EndFragment More than a decade ago, a judge bemoaned that the life sentence she was about to impose on Charles C. Brown was overly harsh....
Supreme Court Nominee Just Bragged About Sending a Man To Prison Who Is Now Free.
EndFragment WASHINGTON — When Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland introduced himself to the country in a Rose Garden address in March,...
Police take stand to help drug addicts instead of arresting them in Louisiana
EndFragment "We believe it is time to change the way we do business," Lentz said. "We think we should give those suffering from addiction...
Feds end 4-year effort to shut down largest medical marijuana facility
EndFragment In a milestone victory for the cannabis industry, the federal government agreed to drop its four-year bid to shut down...
Portland Police Say They Must have 48 Hours Before Answering to a Deadly Shooting
EndFragment The call for the Portland Police Department to remove the “48 hour rule” that is currently required before an officer can be...
A teen is beaten to death at a Miami jail.
EndFragment Police weren’t alerted to beatdown until youth had died It took a full day for the top medical official on duty at Miami’s...
David Clarke, the Trump-loving, pro-mass-incarceration Fox News favorite, is challenging criminal-ju
EndFragment Milwaukee Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr.’s podcast, The People’s Sheriff, begins with a slide-guitar and a boot-stomp beat...